Look Within.
Stillness is golden. The magic is in the quiet. Nothing outside of yourself is needed. Stop searching for the answer out there and take a few moments to look within. Remember meditation is not about stopping or controlling your thoughts, it is about becoming the witness and not letting your thoughts control you.
There are far too many researched benefits to meditation and mindfulness to note here yet one thing is for sure, practicing meditation improves your mental and physical health. There will always be external stresses and meditation helps you find calm in the chaos. Like other things that are good for us, the benefits grow exponentially over time and consistent practice.
Krissy has a daily meditation and mindfulness practice and has completed several courses in meditation & mindfulness including:
Jon Kabat-Zin’s 8 week course at www.palousemindfulness.com.
Search Inside Yourself Leadership in person training.
Mindful Schools Trainings - 101, 201, Mindful Communications & more.
Completed first 10-Day Silent meditation retreat in July 2021.